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IRC Behaviour

  • Never force your way into a conversation. If you make a comment and you get a response, you can consider yourself invited to join the discussion. If there is no response (wait for about a minute because the server could be slow) try once more. Remember, do not harass others. You will only be ignored or ejected from the channel.
  • If you join a channel where there are only two users, ask whether you are welcome. To converse in private, people often move from the large channels to their own two-person channel.
  • Avoid privately messaging people to strike up a conversation unless you are comfortable with the person or you are asked. Barging in is not only rude but can be viewed with suspicion. Why would a stranger try and hold a conversation in private rather than in the channel where everyone can see it?
  • Flooding, or the act of filling the channel with long, useless messages or beeps is frowned upon. Not only does this cause the screen to scroll faster, but it is annoying to everyone using the channel!
  • Operators or ops run each channel and have the final say in all matters related to that channel.
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